vickie (cartier); six
birthday; august 8th`91
loves; Show Luo,S.H.E,Lam Fung,Arron Yan,Jolin Tsai.
This time of the year....
AHH, it seems like every year, there's something that happens around this period of time-___-" Last yr..........grandpa.........ahhh!! (i miss him soooo muchhh><")
This year,,, well, first...congratulations Show, your celebratory concert was amazing! BUT...GR, PLEASE, get your darn surgery done! Don't wait until March. YOU KNOW,, YOU'RE NOT A ROBOT! DON'T OVERWORK YOURSELF! YOUR BODY IS TELLING YOU THAT YOU HAVE A PROBLEM RIGHT NOW (go FIX it).....><' (He has excess tissue growing in his throat) GET THE SURGERY! omg-__-" He's making everyone worried. I mean, I know, that it's hard to not talk for 2 weeks and not sing for a month..I know it will delay the whole filming of Hot Shot (Basketball Fire) but..........what if it gets worse?! What if he can't sing anymore?!! BLEH, i dont wanna think about it...I just want him to listen to his fans..(YOU PROMISED US THAT U'LL TAKE CARE OF URSELF! RAWR)

Anyways, tomorrow..sigh* it's my friend's bday...BUT, it's also the day where I kept crying and crying..when my dad went back to Macau...when my grandpa was suffering. T_____________T Why is all these scenes coming back to me??! Why do I always cry around this time?! WHY?! WHY?!!! PLEASE, I want all these bad things to go away...
10:50 PM
Boxing Day
Today's Boxing Day, but then I don't have any presents to open..well I opened all of them XDD
Today was such a simple day..woke up at 10am, went to see if Show won anything at the HK Metro Awards;) AND HE DID ...THREEEE WHOLE AWARDS. woots, congrats hun!

Afterwards, went out at 11 something to mail the Xmas gifts to Eileen, Kit and San...
Came home, watched more stuff..and then started singing. Went out at 4:30pm to SF Chinatown. Got a new haircut. ;P

Front is longer, back is shorter. Kinda like Hebe's but yah, its pretty nice..easy to take care of at least. i was sick and tired of the long, thick hair. The person @ the salon was like, you have THICK hair. i was like, uh yah-__-" dats why i need a haircut.
After haircut, I went to eat dinner with my dad's cousin & her family. yummy food. came home at 9?! Watched two eps of Survivor's Law II. Now checking Show's stuff.
11:31 PM