vickie (cartier); six
birthday; august 8th`91
loves; Show Luo,S.H.E,Lam Fung,Arron Yan,Jolin Tsai.
YESTERDAY: LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!HELLO~long time no type. such a LONGG no serious entries for a while.WELL, this is not very serious, but its more about my life than the other stars ...hehehe..Yesterday morning, I automatically woke up at 6:40am (it's like an alarm clock) took a shower..MUCH better..feel LESS sleepy. Got soo used to the morning shower routine. AND THEN, went to school. Fresh air...i love breathing in Fresh air....and the sun's so great (welps in the the 70s degrees). Got to final was hard..welps...kinda.but oh welp..not like im gonna do anything about it..cuz got a highhh grade..over yah, that final..HOPEFULLY wont affect anything. AFTERWARDS, math final. CRAP. lols..i guessed on 4 problems. HAHA...and -.- SIGH* BUT it was easier than I thought ALREADY!!! gimme an A clark..gimme an A! lols. finished half an hr was just randomly listenin to jen's mp3. 1230!! woots. lols. took pics with Anita jiee and then left. lols. waited for winnie, annie and them for a LONG time. welps DUH, Del's work= time. lols. drop stuff off at hopkin's house. lols. and then went to BBQ. welps we got lost..went to oakland instead. and then. lols. crazily..we got bak to San Leandro and went to Tap Express. and then.finally got to BBQ. lols. BBQ= GOOD. welps we didnt eat BBQ..cuz it was TOO hot. like everyone was dehydrated. lOLS. we just ordered lunch specials. LOLS. shared with Annie...DELICIOUS. and then..they were talking about bad stuff..=.= nothin i wanna kno.lols..but we were SOOOO loud -.- ate 'til3-ish 4.When we got back to Hopkin's was 4-ish 5..maybe?! lols..they bought food..and some got ice cream. went back to Hopkin's house. MAHJONG TIME! lols. super fun! LMAO i think we scared ar auntie, uncle and his siblings lmaoo. after all..12 kids. LMAO. his room can fit 12 kids. how crazy's dat. LMAo. but its all good..we had so much fun. at 7, we left...victoria eric and i. lols...and the rest left after too..soon..i fink. LMAO.slept at 1 LMAO. cuz yahh...making plans for today-.- ahhaha....and NOW it's 930...i woke up an hr ago LMAo. eating breakfast now. WOOTS! lols. going to Annie's at 1045. lol.
9:31 AM
SHOW ON STAGE:)king shirt=) lols..SO YAH, CONGRATS to SHOW.^_^ <33333Today's the NINTH, meaning SHOW ON STAGE CONCERT OF 07 STARTED IN SHANGHAI! im so happy, so EVERYTHING!

SEE THE SHIRT=) MY LOVE..LOLS. gawd looking!! CONGRATS TO SHOW..after all, he did wait for HECKA long..and I'm sure his dad would be proud of him. SNIFF* he cried-.-
Why Why Love---I'm waiting for it...its HECKA good..i WANT TO WATCH IT! lols. rainie&mike..oh so cool. LOLS.
New Breath of Love--waiting for it too. it gets better and better..different from the book, but still hecka good. lols. yah, raymond!
5:37 PM